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Sunturn Sunrise

Hook: Partridge M2 #2/0
Thread: Semperfli 18/0
Tag: Silver, black silk
Tail: GP, red & yellow swan
Butt: Ostrich
Body: black, yellow, orange and red sealsfur
Rib: Silver
Throat: Red and black
Underwing: Black GP tippet
Wing: Kori, yellow, orange and red swan
Topping: GP
Head: Shellac

Another winter solstice and the third sunturn fly I have made: each year I grab a bottle of Nøgne Ø “Sunturn Brew” and create a pattern based on the fact that we are on the darkest day of the year. I still have some bottles left of this beer that Nøgne Ø brew only on this shortest day of the year, and this year it had been stored for just over 2 years before the winter solstice.

The past years I have created a pattern that, looking back at it, reflect the state of my progression in fly tying: the first year it was a spey, last year it was a ranger. This year I have done a lot of married wings and getting into the classic salmon patterns, so it was obvious what I had to do this year! With the dark days and the focus on the sun turning to brighter days it was again the focus on black/yellow/red colors that dominated the pattern, maybe more yellow/orange/red this year than the years before. This one will go into my collection as the blueprint, but I’ll create some more for fishing.

The beer is everything I want in a winter beer: dark with sweet malts and a long full aftertaste. The balance and complexity is great, so it goes very well together with flytying on a dark winter night!

Silver&Blue UNI 6/0 Red, Bug Bond
Body: UNI-Mylar
Rib: Lagartun French Tinsel
Wing: Yellow, Red & Blue hair
Hackle: Guinea Silver Doctor Blue
Sides: JC

Preparing for the summer and filling up my box with this silver doctor inspired tube. Doing some without and some with cone to be able to target different depths: finished set ready for the river: started to do up the body separately now to focus on one and one thing, that way I can do lots of tinsel work first, then pull out the hair and do the hairwing later.





Red Claret Spey Daiichi 2052 #1.5
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Black
Body: Underbody UNI-Floss white, Lagartun Red Claret French Silk Floss
Rib: No-brand gold
Hackle: Heron
Wing: Veniard Mallard Bronze Large

A freestyle spey where I wanted to have as few materials as possible, work on the body profile and try to not overload the fly with too much of the materials I used.

The lagartun silk floss with the gold rib really stands out on this one, the taper of the body is also one that I’m very happy with – it goes smoothly from start to finish. The one thing I could work on is the wing, I did it high over the body (and not really low-set) with purpose, and I’m quite happy with that, but the smoothness of the wing from some angles are not the best, so I’ll put another version up later.


Rusty Rat: 10 different sizes and types is the key for many things in life, so also with fly tying! When getting into a pattern that I want to explore, or get some new material that I need to get familiar with I tend to sit down and tie up the same pattern in different sizes and on different hooks to see how it comes together.

This week I have focused on the rusty rat: I have tied it up in 10 different variations on singles, doubles and on tube. The pattern itself is a classic one that should need not much introduction (and there are other sites that can describe the background for this pattern much better than I can).

Of all the variations here there is one first for me: slipstream tubes. I have tied a lot of tubes the last year, but this week I got a good offer on some slipstream tubes from Veniard in different sizes, so when I got into the rusty rat I had to tie some up on that as well.

This a very good exercise that I can recommend for anyone: you get to know the pattern, and at the end of the session you know how the pattern is and behaves in different sizes and on different hooks.

TMC7999 #1/0 #4 #8 S60-3399A #6 Jackson Spey #1.5 B280 #4 B280 #8 Patriot #8 Slipstream Tube












Hairwing Mickey Finn

Hook: TMC 777SP #6
Thread: Red/Black UNI 6/0
Body: UNI-Mylar
Rib: Lagartun French Tinsel
Wing: Red/Yellow hair

A hairwing version of the classic Mickey Finn streamer. Normally you would see this in bucktail, but I wanted to have a smoother wing that flowed even more than bucktail (and I have alot of templedog/fox/raccoon), so a hairwing version it is. I might go over and varnish the body to strengthen it, but I used a fairly thick and solid rib, so I don’t think I will need to do that.