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No Hackle CDC


Hook: Mustad 94840 #18
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Brown
Tail: Whiting Bronze Brown
Body: Taimen Beaver Dubbing Brown
Wing: 2xCDC

The no-hackle CDC is very easy and with a bit of floatant it sits very nicely in the surface film. I tend to tie these with a white wing (for moving water it does help for visibility), but keep a variety of colors at hand in sizes from #22 up to #14. They are easy to tie, only involves 3 materials and will catch fish!

Green & Red Wetfly

Hook: Dai-Riki 305 #10
Thread: UNI  8/0 Black
Tail: Golden Pheasant,
Body: Red Floss, Black Floss wrapped around
Wing: Turkey Biot, Lt. Olive
Chin: Whiting Bronze, Brown

My first attempt on a classic wet-fly, took what material I had at hand and proceeded to get something together that wasn’t half bad. Been looking into traditional wet-fly fishing lately and my next project will be to tackle some of Bergman’s “Trout” patterns

#32 Parachute


Hook: TMC 518 #32
Thread: UNI 17/0
Tail: Soft hackle
Body: Fly-Rite Extra Fine Poly
Wing: Poly Yarn
Hackle: Whiting Bronze Brown

As small as they get: going for the same pattern as the Aurivilli but had to change to the brown hackle since my white/black one didn’t have small enough featheres. It is possible to do parachute down in this size, it is just a matter of getting small enough material to be able to tie it on. And: to have the eye-sight to get the hackle on there, I really should get a magnifier when tying #30 and below, it gets hard on the eyes!

Aurivilli Mustad 94840 #12, #14, #18
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Yellow
Tail: Soft hackle
Body: Fly-Rite Golden Yellow
Wing: CDC
Hackle: Whiting Bronze Brown

Getting ready for some fishing tomorrow with this family of Aurivilli in various sizes. The forest around Oslo should be primed with the last few days reaching up into the mid-20C and a bit of rain, so I will bring my bike out and check out some new areas that I haven’t tested out yet.


#30 Parachute

Hook: Gamakatsu C12-BM #30
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Pale yellow
Tail: Mallard Flank White
Body: Fly-Rite Extra Fine Poly #0 Golden Yellow
Wing: Poly-Yarn
Hackle: Whiting Bronze Brown

Down to the smallest of hooks that I have, the Gamakatsu C12-BM #30 has a (relatively speaking) large hook-eye, making it much easier to deal with when trying to tie it on! The hackle was not very well tied in so you can see the thread got a bit loose behind the hook-eye.

The first time I’ve tied in both tail, dubbing, hackle and wing on a #30 hook, and all without magnification glasses ( I really need to get me some of those soon!). The hackle is the worst part of this: first of all you need to find something small enough, secondly the small hackles takes nothing to tear, so the process can be a bit hard on the eyes and concentration!