This autumn I have spent a lot of time getting up to speed on the new hooks that people from all over the world have sent me: 300+ new hooks for have been measured, photographed and added to the different hooks that I have registered so far. A big thank you to all those that have contributed to the collection that now counts 682 hook sizes with images (accross 280 different hooks).
Highlights are: Knapek, Dohiku & Claw (almost) complete sets of all hooks and sizes, a large batch of classic streamers, many new Mustad hooks and some very special dryfly hooks that I’ll get back to in later blogposts.
Even before I was done with this large batch of new hooks I got some new from France that I haven’t seen before and a couple of TMC and Mustad that will be added once I add some more functionality to the site: I’ll improve the search and layout of the site, maybe add a comment section and look at integrating it better with
This project would not have been where it is today without your help, so if you have a hook or two to spare, contact me through the contact form, and I’ll get back to you with address and information about the process.