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Hook: TMC 100BL #12
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Black
Body: various dubbing colors
Hackle: Whiting bronze

A 2-minute fly that can be varied in different colors, some choose to cut the top hackle as well, but I kept it on today. Busy days with filling up the BL box for a trip to Rena in september, one river I have never fished in, but should see some very good trout and graylings!

Bergman: Babcock #8

Hook: Kamasan B170 #8
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Black
Tip: UNI-Mylar Gold/Silver #16
Tail: Goose Shoulder Yellow/Black
Body: UNI-Floss Red
Rib: UNI-Mylar Gold/Silver #16
Wing: Goose Shoulder Yellow/Black
Throat: Whiting Hackle

Another Bergman this morning: I will try to choose some of the patterns where I have material, and this yellow/black one stood out when looking through the collection. The goose shoulders I have is not the best quality, but good enough for creating these small wings. Some minor things that could do with improvement: there is a gap between the tip and the red body and the head is not varnished good enough, but I’ll leave that for the next time.

Red-tag double


Hook: Ken Sawada Double #6
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Black
Tag: UNI-Floss Red
Underbody: UNI-Floss White
Body: UNI-Mylar Gold/Silver, UNI-French Silver Oval MD
Hackle: Whiting
Wing: Templedog Black
Eyes: JC

This is one of those time-tested classics, if it is small ones for trout or larger ones for salmon/seatrout: the red-tag exists in different variations and material-choice. This one is tied on the Ken Sawada hook that I’ve tied up quite a few ones on lately: it is strong, has a good build and is razor-sharp. I tapered up the body with white floss first to get a gradually larger body, when you then apply the hackle it will sit in front of the taper and help with the pulsating movement of the fly.


More Vaskebjørn


Hook: Daiichi 2546 #8
Thread: UNI 6/0 Black
Hackle: Whiting Rooster Saddle Grizzly (1 feather used for the fly)
Body: The Fly Co Seals Fur Red/Black dubbing, A.Jensen Saltwater Dub ll White
Eye: Wapsi Bead Chain Eyes

This Vaskebjørn pattern can be tied with or without eyes, but I had to get some eyes on them to see how they turned out. The eyes also give it some extra weight that can be helpful in some situations – considering to tie up this in #4/#6/#8 and with/without a little bit of lead to make some of them even heavier if I need to get the fly down.

First Vaskebjørn Daiichi 2546 #6
Thread: UNI 6/0 Black
Hackle: Whiting Rooster Saddle Grizzly (1 feather used for the fly)
Body: The Fly Co Seals Fur Red/Black dubbing, A.Jensen Saltwater Dub ll White

This is a well known pattern here in scandinavia for seatrout, but I have never tied it up before. I got a new Rooster Saddle from Whiting yesterday and since I’m heading out for some fishing tomorrow it was time to get this pattern a go. Not quite after the original recipe, but close enough to the video from Eivind Berulfsen. The hackle will give this a very vibrant flow in the sea, and together with the red seal fur it will be a killer!