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Lysaker to Sørkedalen pt.2

Another trip to this river so very close to Oslo that it is a wonder why I haven’t visited it before! A 3 hours walking trip  up/in the middle of the river and covering more ground. A fresh river (as in: not fished before) is very exiting: finding the spots where the trout is, coming around a bend in the river and seeing a beautiful section unfold where you just know that the trout is standing ready.

A well known view: the moment before fishing can start

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Sage TXL-F #1 has become my new favourite small-river rod

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe vegetation in larger parts of the river makes waders a absolute must-have if you want to get the fly out there

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Aurivilli is so far the best bet in this river: I landed 5 20cm trout on this trip with sizes #12 and #18

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPlaces like this makes the trip worth it