Hook: TMC 2457 #14
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Brown
Tail: Sparkle Organza Dun
Body: Polishquills Stripped Peacock Orange
Thorax: Hareline Hare’s Ear Plus Dark Olive
Wing: Hareline Premium Deer Natural Brown, 2x CDC Dark Olive
I keep experimenting with the stripped peacock from polishquills and for a up-right emerger I would normally do either CDC or deer for the wing, but for this one I combine the two with a supporting layer of deer behind the CDC to see how it will behave. The sparkle organza tail will serve as a good attractor. This should sit nice and low in the water and for a slow-flowing river this will be a sure bet next summer.
From behind: the deer should help support the fly in a upright position
A bit dark, but a shot from the front:
The profile from underneath: the Hare’s Ear dubbing with the added bling will behave very good

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