Hook: Knapek Midge Pupae #14
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Brown
Body: Polishquills Stripped Peacock Orange
Thorax: Hareline Hare’s Ice Dub Rusty Orange, 2xCDC
Wing: 2xCDC White
Legs: Mallard Flank
This pattern I found on theonfly.com and adapted to a different color scheme. The fiery red/orange of this emerger will make it a great trout/grayling fly that I now have to wait until april/may (until the ice melts away here in Norway…) to actually test. The body on this came out ok, I should have bugbond on the peacock quill, but the one I have is to thick to apply to such a body.The other thing I would experiment with is to have a bit more legs on to make them stand out even more
Top view: the legs will create a good footprint on the surface
Bottom view: the legs combined with the rusty orange dubbing is a great combination
A couple together:

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