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A batch of 66 new hook images have been added to today

So: some new brands and a good lot of hooks added today. Up next is a good batch of TMC ready for photography, then more Allcock, Mustad and some interesting Japanese hooks after that. – Midgar

Todays update on new hooks and pictures from the Midgar flyhook range. Midgar is a Norwegian based (located in Hvaler) flyfishing/flytying company, they have a short range of hooks that are focused around scandinavian saltwater patterns. All have microbarb and have a really solid build that makes you trust them for big fish even on smaller sizes.

The hooks are new of this year so I haven’t had much time to tie on them (or fish with them  yet), but the M2010 streamer and M2020 are two that stand out for me in the range: the M2020 have a deeper bend than I’ve seen before and should be interesting to tie up on. – Ahrex

Todays update on comes from Ahrex hooks: earlier this year they sent me samples of all their hooks for addition to the flyhooks database. The update brings a total of 23 hooks from Ahrex to the site: the doubles and trebles are missing, but they will be added later.

From a start with hooks focusing on saltwater here in Scandinavia, they now have a range of hooks:

  • NS – Nordic Salt: baitfish, gammarus, shrimp
  • HR – Home Run: salmon, tube, trailer, doubles & trebles
  • TP – Trout Predator: for the big trout streamers
  • PR – Predator: pike and large predator fish

I welcome the addition of more barbless as they now have both predator, stinger and tube barbless in their lineup.

A couple of highlights for me in what I use: the NS110 for saltwater patterns, HR430 barbless tube that have a really solid build quality even in the smaller sizes, the heavy HR414 for salmon patterns and TP610 & TP650 for the larger trout streamers.

This brings the total of hooks with images to a total of 705, I would still love to get my hands on more Ahrex: if you have hooks in the sizes I’m missing, please send me a message! – New Mustad hooks

Following up on the recent update of hooks on – today a look at some of the hooks that have been added from Mustad:

R90 #8

A 4xh hook that is built to hook large fish on the small sizes, this is the hook I tie small nymphs for salmon fishing up north with. Due to the weight it will also sink quickly in rapid streams.

3257B #12

A hook I’ve never tied on, and that I would love to get more insight on the background of its shape.

518B #1/0

A very short shank in large sizes, reminds me of a up-scaled spider hook. There is a 527 blind-eye from Mustad that I haven’t taken a picture of yet that looks very much like this.

3907 A #4

The start of the 3907 series

3907 B #4

The length of B is the same as A, but with a much heavier wire

3907 C #8

The third 3907 hook, would love to have this in #4 to compare all the three 3907 hooks in the same series.

79580 #2

Hooks like this and the R-75 follow-up makes it interesting to have historic hooks to see how a hook type have evolved over time. The 79580 evolved to R75, and you can see the similarity but also the difference in shape, bend and barb on these two

R75-79580 #4

The R75 have a much smaller barb than the 79580

94720 #2

Another comparison: but here the difference is really big – the old 94720 is much longer than the newer R79

R79-94720 #2

The newer R79 on the other hand, have a much heavier wire than 79580

It is interesting to see the difference between old and new versions of the same hook and hooks in the same series to see how they actually differ besides the name of it. If you have hooks that can fill in the gap of missing hooks, please contact me!