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Lipstick Shrimp Variation

Hook: TMC777SP #6
Thread: UNI 6/0 White
Mouth: Templedog White, Eumer Goat, Hareline Woolhead Dubbing, Red Prismacolor marker
Eyes: Bug Bond
Body: Hareline Woolhead Dubbing
Dubbingloop over body: Mix of Hareline Ice Dub Silver Holographic, Hareline Woolhead Dubbing  and Sealwool VB-Dubbing

Yes, I’m on a seatrout tying mission these days, and today was a variation of the lipstick shrimp from Eivind Berulfsen. I basicly didn’t have any of the materials he lists, but the technique is what’s important: to learn the layering and idea behind it, how things fit together. After that you can start looking at what material you have or can get a hold of that will behave close to the original as possible. I think the goat in the mouth will create that long translucent effect, and the combinations I put together for the body should give a very nice effect when it is wet and flowing through water.

I will, of course, have to try this out, but that is for next week since I have plans this week that stops me from going out fishing, but until then I will tie up a couple more of this to bring with me.


Hook: TMC 2457 #6
Thread: Benecchi Red
Body: Benecchi Thread
Rib: UTC French Tinsel
Dubbing: Eivind Berulfsen Sealwool Klympen

Since I got so much sealwool from Eivind Berulfsen I tie up some of the patterns that he has on youtube (in Norwegian, but the instructions is straight forward). This is for seatrout and will be tested out in a week or two when I plan to get out to do some fishing again.

Spaykutling TMC 777SP #6
Thread: UNI 6/0 Grey
Tail: Rabbit strip
Hackle: Whiting Spey Grey
Body: Holo Old School, Rabbit strip in dubbing loop
Eye: Large Bead Chain

Here is one that will make a lot of motion in the water! I got some very good quality rabbit strips from and followed his youtube video on how to make this pattern. I see that there is a bit too much underfur in the dubbing loop so I’ll remove some more next time around. This will be a great addition to my seatrout box that I’m filling up for the winter


Red-tag double


Hook: Ken Sawada Double #6
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Black
Tag: UNI-Floss Red
Underbody: UNI-Floss White
Body: UNI-Mylar Gold/Silver, UNI-French Silver Oval MD
Hackle: Whiting
Wing: Templedog Black
Eyes: JC

This is one of those time-tested classics, if it is small ones for trout or larger ones for salmon/seatrout: the red-tag exists in different variations and material-choice. This one is tied on the Ken Sawada hook that I’ve tied up quite a few ones on lately: it is strong, has a good build and is razor-sharp. I tapered up the body with white floss first to get a gradually larger body, when you then apply the hackle it will sit in front of the taper and help with the pulsating movement of the fly.
