4 years and 1 month ago I launched flyhooks.org with the note:
When I first started out I didn’t know much about hooks, or material for that matter, so I went to the local shops, bought some hooks, got online and saw the multitude of different hooks was available. But the hooks was always displayed in a box, or without a proper close-up, I couldn’t figure out their exact property, so I ended up buying lots of different hooks to test them out and get a feel of how they were.
Now I know a little bit more about hooks, but the amount of hooks out there is growing, and the vintage hooks available are still in a very high number, so I keep adding them to flyhooks.org!
Today a milestone was crossed: 1500 individual hooks have been photographed, measured and added to the site, and it was Mustad 3901 that got the honour to do so. This comes together with about 50 new Mustad hook boxes that also have been added this weekend.
flyhooks.org have evolved over time, now there are books, boxes, to gut, cards (more to come there really soon!) and even a hook making page! With time I guess more information and insight will come, but for now: Thanks to everyone that have contributed to the site: from 1 to many – they are all important to get the history of hooks documented!
The statistics as of today:
Companies | 57 |
Hooks | 912 |
Hook Sizes | 4443 |
Hooks with image | 596 |
Hook sizes with image | 1500 |
Hook box images | 161 |
Fun fact: 4 years and 1 month is 1492 days…. with 1500 individual hook images I have in average added 1 hook per day since the start!