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Hook: TMC 100BL #12
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Black
Tail: Wapsi Premium Deer
Body: various dubbings
Rib: UNI-Mylar Holo Silver
Head: Wapsi Premium Deer

This is a great profile on the water: Dyret (or “Animal” in english). I tie this on up in different colors as well, but I would normally put on the yellow one. The red would go great for char and trout on lakes and I will consider this a great searching pattern as well, tie it on to see what is hiding underneath.

I tie up a lot of batches these days for my upcoming autumn-trip to Rena, these are all heading for my BL box since that is a BL only river.

A rib of holo silver to make this green version even more of a attractor

The classic yellow version:


Hook: TMC 100BL #12
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Black
Body: various dubbing colors
Hackle: Whiting bronze

A 2-minute fly that can be varied in different colors, some choose to cut the top hackle as well, but I kept it on today. Busy days with filling up the BL box for a trip to Rena in september, one river I have never fished in, but should see some very good trout and graylings!

Bergman: Babcock #8

Hook: Kamasan B170 #8
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Black
Tip: UNI-Mylar Gold/Silver #16
Tail: Goose Shoulder Yellow/Black
Body: UNI-Floss Red
Rib: UNI-Mylar Gold/Silver #16
Wing: Goose Shoulder Yellow/Black
Throat: Whiting Hackle

Another Bergman this morning: I will try to choose some of the patterns where I have material, and this yellow/black one stood out when looking through the collection. The goose shoulders I have is not the best quality, but good enough for creating these small wings. Some minor things that could do with improvement: there is a gap between the tip and the red body and the head is not varnished good enough, but I’ll leave that for the next time.

Red-tag double


Hook: Ken Sawada Double #6
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Black
Tag: UNI-Floss Red
Underbody: UNI-Floss White
Body: UNI-Mylar Gold/Silver, UNI-French Silver Oval MD
Hackle: Whiting
Wing: Templedog Black
Eyes: JC

This is one of those time-tested classics, if it is small ones for trout or larger ones for salmon/seatrout: the red-tag exists in different variations and material-choice. This one is tied on the Ken Sawada hook that I’ve tied up quite a few ones on lately: it is strong, has a good build and is razor-sharp. I tapered up the body with white floss first to get a gradually larger body, when you then apply the hackle it will sit in front of the taper and help with the pulsating movement of the fly.


A few doubles for salmon

The Ken Sawada #6 double salmon hook is one though hook! Once you pick it up you get that trust feeling that it will bring anything as long as something bites! Tied up some doubles today for a salmon trip (more on that later), haven’t fished in this river before, so I’m bringing a little bit of everything. The silver/red-tag is very simple but deadly after trout/seatrout in different sizes so this I will have a couple more of before I end todays tying session

A long templedog wing will make this flow in the water:

A blue-hackled version with a bit more work in it: