I have worked as a software developer for 10 years now and a concept that is well known is the planetplanet: a aggregation (often with full blog posts) on a theme (programming language, OS) where you can get updated about the latest from that particular theme/topic. Of course: you can use a RSS reader and that has its merits (you get to choose your own feeds), but I often like the planetplanet since they have posts that I wouldn’t normally have in my RSS reader.
So: today I introduce planet.dryfly.me coffeeandflyfishing.com: a single page that aggregates blogposts and updates from flytying/flyfishing related sites that I have found interesting. The site only shows the article/blog title and a link to the site, nothing more. It is updated once every hour and I hope that it can be useful for discovering more articles, sites and posts about flytying/flyfishing.
The site now have a lot of trout pages indexed, but send me a email to dryfly.me[at]gmail.com and I will add it to the index as soon as possible – just keep the links you send me on topic.

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