New hooks from Gamakatsu, Hends, Partridge, TMC, Top Fly and Varivas added to flyhooks.org!
A total of 118 new hook images, bringing the total up to 1430 hook images!
The backlog of hooks that I have received for flyhooks.org still contains some hooks thanks to the contribution from a lot of people, and a couple of good finds on auction sites, so there still is a lot to do this year!
Today I have added 74 Akita hooks to the hook database, more from TMC, Partridge and a few more coming up soon!
The design for flyhooks.org have been the same since the initial release almost 4 years ago. The design worked, but I’ve had a desire to change it for a while now, so with a couple of days available I sat down and cleaned up the design, added some better visual indicators and made it much better for mobile usage.
I have tried to keep it as minimalistic as possible, with focus on the hooks and information relating to the hooks. If you see any issues with the new design: please contact me here with a comment!
With the new design I also added over 100 new pictures and size information on hooks from Hanak.
On flyhooks.org I have collected a lot of hooks: now counting more than 1100 images of different hooksizes. Having these as a reference is of great help to the many that now visit the site every day, but there is always more to help with the identification or history of the hooks.
The boxes where the hooks come in is a history of its own: when did a hook come on the market, was it in a different batch than before, what material did the box come in (paper, plastic, hard-box or soft), what was the original writing on the box and much more. I’ve been collecting these as well as just hooks, so today I’ve uploaded 109 images of hook boxes to flyhooks.org
I look at this as a natural part of the history of the hooks, and include both old and new boxes (today’s boxes will at one point be of historical interest). I have more boxes (mostly more recent) yet to be photographed, but I’m starting with the first 100+ today.
I will try to create separate entries for the hooks for the different batches of hooks where the hook has evolved from one package to the other, to see if there are differences in the hook itself when it comes to where it comes from.
The URL is http://flyhooks.org/boxes and is linked to from the frontpage of flyhooks.org in addition to be a part of the “Other” menu point at the top of the page.
And yes: there will be one more thing… but I’ll save that to another day ;)
From the same batch as yesterdays Mustad sale cards: 7 new A4 sale cards from Mustad, now available on http://flyhooks.org/cards/mustad/a4-cards
These are not sewed together with thread, but rather laminated on the sheet of paper. Some of them do have a bit of rust because the points and barbs have cut the laminated plastic and humidity have entered to the hooks.
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