Flyfishing, flytying and hooks
Home » 2014 » January (Page 4)

Olive F-Fly

Hook: Mustad 94840 #14
Thread: Sheer 14/0 Brown
Body: Hareline Turkey Biot Quills Lt.Olive
Wing: 2xCDC Olive

A simple, but very effective pattern that I have tied on anything from #12 down to #24, but mostly in sizes #14-#18. The variation possibilities on the body is great here and can be thread, dubbing, ultra wire rib on thread body and much more. Tie up to match different colors and sizes, it can’t go wrong

Testing out new flies

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt is january, but the weather is more like early April: 7 degrees and sun before I went out. Have tied a lot of new flies lately, and mainly tubes, that I needed to see how would work when they were fished. The day was beautiful with so many people on the beach: even some barbecue going on (unheard of at this time of year), and the weather changed into a cloudy afternoon.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe did see 2-3 fish up in the surface, but nothing would take the fly.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASome new flies was tested and I got some input on what I need to do – one thing I needed the most was to add a bit of weight to the big hair-winged tube flies, those just didn’t fly right on my #6 rod



As mentioned: nothing would take, but I did find some potential great spots that is close to town!

Tube: Fire Tail Foxtail Suburst yellow, Templedog hot orange
Body: UNI Floss, Lagartun french tinsel
Hackle: Spirit River Schlappen Black

This was a freestyle with what I had on my table, but I really like how it came out: the fire in the tail will be a very good attractor for the salmon/seatrout and it will have good movements once it gets in the water. Will create some more of this color combination, and maybe with blue/lime tail as well.