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Sunburst Spey Alec Jackson #1.5
Thread: UNI 6/0 Red
Tag: UNI-Mylar Peacock #16
Body: 1/2 Red Seals fur, 1/2 Black Seals fur
Rib: UNI-French Oval Large
Wing: Red/Orange/Yellow fox
Sides: JC
Hackle: Schlappen Fire Orange, Whiting Rooster Cape Black

Davie McPhail have a great video of a Sunburst Spey on youtube that (after my sunturn spey) I had to give a go. I got some of the bronze spey hooks from Alec Jackson that fits perfectly to this pattern, the only problem is that I should have had this in #5 & #7 as well since this is a rather large fly to go fishing with!

I deviated a little bit from the original pattern: the front hackle where I only had fiery orange schlappen and a pure black front-hackle, but the overall pattern is the same. vibrant colors in the wing, the hackle and the body will make this really shine up once it is in the water. mix in the wing: